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Funding Opportunities

HUD CoC Builds Competition

Notice of Funding Opportunity from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is a federal initiative that provides funding to support community efforts to end homelessness. On July 22, 2024, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the CoC Builds funding competition. The CoC Builds NOFO supports the creation of new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) by providing capital funding for construction, acquisition, rehabilitation or conversion of PSH.

Project Interest Form - Due October 11

Housing Solutions has released an Interest Form to identify Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Developments in progress that would qualify for the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) CoC Builds Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The CoC Builds NOFO allows the Tulsa CoC to submit one application for up to $5 million as part of a national competition. The application can be for one development project/site or multiple developments/sites as long as there is one primary organization that would receive the funding from HUD. Note that funding is very competitive nationally, and no funding is guaranteed.

This Interest Form serves as a way for the Tulsa CoC to gather information about the number of interested applicants with projects that could receive this funding. Any organizations interested in applying for this funding must complete this form by October 11, 2024. These will be reviewed by a selection committee of the Tulsa CoC, which will determine the next steps for the CoC. 

Eligible Applicants: 

States, local governments, nonprofits, and public housing agencies. Applications must be submitted by the deadline. Financial Management System: Must meet federal standards.


Compliance with federal regulations required.

⇒ 25 page Narrative

⇒ Project Description: Detailed objectives and outcomes.

⇒ Budget Proposal: Complete with cost justification.

⇒ Collaborative Evidence: Proof of coordination with local stakeholders.

⇒ Performance MeasurementPlan for evaluating performance and outcomes.

⇒ Match Requirement: Evidence of matching funds or in-kind contributions is required. Applicants must demonstrate their ability to match at least 25% of the total project cost from non-federal sources.

Eligible Activities: 

New construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of PSH units. Up to 20% of the award can be used for other eligible CoC Program activities such as supportive services and operating costs. Up to 10% of the award can be used for project administration.

Two-Year Grant: 

The grant covers a two-year period, allowing for comprehensive planning, execution, and evaluation of projects.

October 11Interest Forms Due
October 16Application Opens to Approved Organizations
November 4Applications Due to CoC
November 6-8Rank & Review Committee Meeting – Applicant Notified
November 18Full Application Entered in GRANTS.GOV
November 19Application Submitted


HUD CoC Annual NOFO Competition

Notice of Funding Opportunity from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

Continuum of Care (CoC) Program (24 CFR Part 578) is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, States, Indian Tribes or tribally designated housing entities, and local governments to quickly re-house homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; to promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless; and to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness.

Before the application is submitted to HUD, the CoC is required to hold a local competition to determine which project applications will be included in the Consolidated Application, along with their relative priority. The results of the local competition dictate which projects the CoC will prioritize.

Through this competition, HUD aims to fund projects that: 

FY24 CoC NOFO Competition

The HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition for 2024/2025 is an opportunity for communities to apply for federal funding to support homelessness assistance programs. Communities must submit applications outlining their strategies, including how they will use the funds to support these goals. The competition encourages innovative and effective approaches to reducing homelessness and improving support services within the eligible project types focused on providing permanent housing.

Information will be uploaded as soon as it becomes available. Sign up for the Funding Opportunities Distribution List to receive emails from Housing Solutions for updates.

RFP ISSUE DATE:  August 19, 2024

PROPOSAL DEADLINE: 5:00 pm, September 11, 2024

Competition Overview

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), signifying the beginning of a funding competition among approximately 450 Continuums of Care (CoCs), the community stakeholder groups that guide local responses to homelessness. The 2024 CoC NOFO was released on July 31, 2024, opening the competition making available approximately $3.5 billion nationally to serve people experiencing homelessness. The information in the NOFO sets forth the competition rules and processes for 2024. Of note, CoCs are only required to submit one CoC Application that will be applicable to both FY 2024 and FY 2025 funds.

The CoC Program (24 CFR part 578) is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, states, Indian Tribes or tribally designated housing entities (as defined in section 4 of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4103) (TDHEs), and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; to promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness. Before the application is submitted to HUD, the CoC is required to hold a local competition to determine which projects will be included in the consolidated application, along with their relative priority. The results of the local competition dictate which projects the CoC will seek to fund.

OK-501 2024 CoC NOFO Summary

FY24-OK-501-Priority-Listing-FINAL-241011.pdf (housingsolutionstulsa.org)

Approved by AWH4T Leadership Council October 11, 2024

Details about anything in this summary can be found in the NOFO, available at: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/355762

Competition Information

OK-501 Tulsa City & County CoC 

ARD: $6,991,672 

Tier 1: $4,087,598 (90% of Annual Renewal Demand – Annual Renewal Amounts of YHDP Renewal/Replacement Projects)

Tier 2: $2,032,827 | (remainder of Annual Renewal Demand + CoC Bonus)

CoC Bonus: $839,001

Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus: $745,949 

CoC Planning:  $349,584

Total Available Funding: $8,576,622

YHDP Renewals: $2,397,392

Updated 9/19/2024

ARD Report

OK-501 GIW (Revised September 9, 2024)

Federally, HUD is focused on providing funding to projects that increase housing availability and exceed federal performance standards. See the NOFO for more information.

Local Priorities

  • ⇒ Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
  • ⇒ Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)
  • ⇒ Increase outcomes for System Performance Measures (SPMs):
  • ⇒ Minimize returns to homelessness
  • ⇒ Ensure equitable program placement/retention
  • ⇒ Increase/maintain income and benefits
  • ⇒ High fidelity to Housing First principles
  • ⇒ Collaboration with PHAs/utilization of vouchers
Action / ItemDeadline 
RFP ReleasedAugust 19, 2024 
New Project WebinarAugust 21, 2024 
Preliminary Scores Shared w/ ProjectsAugust 23, 2024 
YHDP Renewal Info SessionAugust 26, 2024 
Office HoursAugust 26-September 6 
Project Applications and Attachments DueSeptember 11, 2024Applicant Deadline
Threshold ReviewSeptember 12/13, 2024 
Rank & Review Panel: Closed MeetingSeptember 24/25, 2024 
Initial Rank & Review List Released to ApplicantsSeptember 27, 2024 
Appeal Submissions DueOctober 1, 2024Applicant Deadline
Appeals Meeting (if needed): Closed MeetingOctober 3, 2024 
Applicants Notified of Appeal Decision (if needed)October 7, 2024 
Distribute Appeals Ranked ListOctober 7, 2024 
Applicants Begin Entering in E-SNAPSOctober 7, 2024 
Leadership Council Approves Ranked Project ListOctober 8, 2024 
Distribute Final Ranked List – Email & WebsiteOctober 9, 2024 
Submit 1st e-snaps Draft through Project Review Survey  October 11, 2023Applicant Deadline
Finalize Projects in E-SNAPSOctober 18, 2024Applicant Deadline
Collaborative Application Posted on WebsiteOctober 25, 2024 
Lead Agency Submits Collaborative ApplicationOctober 28, 2024 
NOFO Competition ClosesOctober 30, 2024 


⇒ FY24 General TA Webinar – Slides / Recording

⇒ FY24 New Project Webinar – Slides 

Office Hours

Need Help with Your Application? Book a One-on-One Session!

Do you have questions about your NOFO application or need clarification on the guidelines? We’re here to help! We are partnering with Homebase to offer dedicated office hours to provide personalized support and answer any questions you may have.

Booking Page

Office hours are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so we encourage you to book your session early. This is a great opportunity to ensure your application is as strong as possible. We look forward to assisting you!

Contact the Collaborative Applicant

Housing Solutions is the Collaborative Applicant for the Tulsa City and County CoC. If you have questions or comments regarding the CoC or local Competition process, please contact our team at nofo@housingsolutionstulsa.org

Competition Materials

All applications and attachments are due in JotForm by 5:00 PM CST on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. 

PDF Version

Contact the Collaborative Applicant

Housing Solutions is the Collaborative Applicant for the Tulsa City and County CoC. If you have questions or comments regarding the CoC or local Competition process, please contact our team at nofo@housingsolutionstulsa.org.

Submit your e-snaps drafts for review by completing the Project Review Survey

Funding Opportunities Archive

FY23 CoC NOFO Competition

Update Sept. 27, 2023:
Final Submission of Consolidated Application for the FY 2023 NOFO CoC Competition

Update Sept. 22, 2023:
A Way Home for Tulsa (CoC) announces approved Consolidated Application for the FY 2023 NOFO CoC Competition

> Review the Approved Consolidated Application and approved priority listing for new, renewal and reallocation projects here

FY2023 Tulsa CoC Final Priority Listing 9.12.23Approved by AWH4T Leadership Council Sept. 12

To provide comments on the Approved Consolidated Application, click here or email nofo@housingsolutionstulsa.org

On July 5, 2023, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the Annual Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition. The Annual NOFO is providing $3.1 billion of funding available for homeless service organizations across the country. As the Lead Agency to TA Way Home for Tulsa (OK-501), Housing Solutions is running a local competition to ensure that we submit our CoC Application for the Annual NOFO (Funding Opportunity FR-6700-N-25). 



FY2023 CoC GIW Instructions for CoCs, Collaborative Applicants, Project Applicants

HUD Exchange CoC GIW Reports

GIW Change Form with Rental Assistance Worksheet

FY23 Standard of Operations

FY23 NOFO Scoring Tool for Renewal Projects – PDF / WORD

FY23 RFI Application for Renewal Projects – Due August 25 (noon)

FY23 NOFO Scoring Tool for New Projects – PDF / WORD

FY23 NOFO RFI Application for New Projects – Due August 25 (noon)

Service Standards Self-Assessment

CoC-Funded Project Budget Template

Budget Instructions FY23 New Projects

AWH4T CoC NOFO Resilience and Equity Checklist  PDF / WORD

Housing First Assessment Tool

Letter of Intent  – Due August 7 (4 p.m.)

New Projects (CoC Bonus, DV Bonus, Expansion) E-Snaps PDF Draft – Due for review Sept. 15 to nofo@housingsolutionstulsa.org (New Project Detailed Instructions)

Renewal Projects E-Snaps Applications – Due for review Aug. 31 to nofo@housingsolutionstulsa.org (Renewal Projects Detailed Instructions)

FY22 CoC NOFO Competition
FY21 CoC NOFO Competition
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